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Listed Below is the University of Mary Washington’s Performing Arts Club Constitution. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

University of Mary Washington Performing Arts Company Constitution

Article I. NAME

The name of this Company shall be the Performing Arts Company (PAC) of the University of Mary Washington.


The purpose of the Performing Arts Company is to promote, incorporate, create, and offer opportunities to participate in dance as an art form in the University of Mary Washington community. The Performing Arts Company will work towards these goals by:

  1. Creating an accepting and inclusive environment for anyone interested in dance as an art form.
  2. Creating and putting on shows open to the Mary Washington community and beyond.
  3. Providing performance, choreography, friendship and dance education opportunities to any student interested and willing.


Section 1: The Performing Arts Company prescribes to the statement of non-discrimination as provided by Virginia state law.

Section 2: Membership to this Company is open to any undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Mary Washington who possesses an interest in dance as an art form.

Section 3: UMW faculty/administrators may join the Performing Arts Company as “Associate Members”. Associate members may not run for office and do not have voting rights. Any student beyond their fourth year at UMW may not run for an officer position.

Section 4: The Company will meet collectively each semester for, at least, Auditions, Studio Showing, Dodd Showing, and Big Show.

Section 5: Each member will regularly attend rehearsals on time. Tardiness of 10 minutes or more without communication to your choreographer does not constitute attendance to that rehearsal. Members must also be actively attentive in their rehearsals (i.e. phone or electronic usage is not permitted). Three absences is reason for dismissal from a piece at the discretion of the choreographer and/or officers. 

Section 6: Each member must complete a certain number of PAC Pointes (points), predetermined by the officers, by the end of each semester in order to remain an Active member.

Section 7: Each member must adhere to university standards. Violating university standards is reason for a warning and/or dismissal from the Performing Arts Company for at least one semester. Officers may choose when or if a member who has violated university standards can audition again.

Section 8: At Auditions each member will sign a document agreeing to adhere to the expectations outlined by the document.


Section 1: All members must pay a bi-annual membership fee of $25 due to the Company Treasurers no later than Video Showing. This amount is subject to change under the discretion of the officers. Treasurers will be in charge of setting up a method to effectively collect dues.

Section 2: If a member fails to pay dues by the date assigned by officers (around the time of Video Showing), dues will be raised $5 for every showing that passes. If a member has still not paid their dues by the end of the semester, without consulting the Treasurers, they will not be allowed to return the following semester. If the member is a senior, they will not be allowed to participate in the senior dance.

Section 2: Members will be listed as either Active or Inactive. Active members are those students that have paid their membership fee, met Pointe requirements for participation, and are attending rehearsals and Company wide meetings on a regular basis.

Section 3: Only Active members may participate in Company activities. Members become active at auditions and become inactive after the conclusion of Big Show. Officers remain active until the end of the semester, once finals week ends.

Section 4: Members who are not able to pay dues may receive an exemption from the Treasurers. Exemption is under the Treasurers discretion


Section 1: The officers of the Performing Arts Company will be the President, Vice President, Co-Treasurers, Secretary, Publicity, and Outreach. The addition or subtraction of officer positions must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the current Company Officers and with the support of the Advisor.

Section 2: Only UMW undergraduate students may serve as officers.

Section 3: Officers must be willing to be placed in at least 2 Big Show pieces. Officers must attend weekly officer meetings. Officers must attend all Company Events. Officers must represent PAC in a positive and professional manner at all times.

Section 4: The duties of the President will be:

  1. Providing leadership to the Company.
  2. Acting as the chief spokesperson of the Company.
  3. Coordinating and conducting weekly officer meetings.
  4. Scheduling and chairing all meetings of the Company.
  5. Organizing activities sponsored by the Company.
  6. Making necessary reservations for all non-social Company activities (i.e. studio times, Dodd, UC, HCC, etc.).
  7. Calling emergency meetings, pursuant to Article IX. Section 3.
  8. Working directly with the Company Advisor to ensure the Company is operating within the expectations of the University.
  9. Establishing an effective relationship with ICA, SAE, and other University administrative departments.
  10. Acting as the point of contact for SAE, the Dodd Theater Manager, the Theater and Dance department, school and local journalists, and community service projects.
  11. Maintaining the alumni network.
  12. Creating and maintaining a ledger, during the first Choreographer’s’ Circle, of each member and the dances they are participating in.
  13. Maintaining all Company- communication.
  14. Acting as the point of contact for other UMW dance clubs, choreographers, and the Company as a whole.

Section 5: The duties of the Vice President will be:

  1. Assisting the President with the fulfillment of their duties.
    1. To help organize activities sponsored by the Company.
    2. Assisting the President in making necessary reservations.
  2. Taking the place of the President when they are absent.
  3. Recording and dispersing meeting minutes with the Secretary.
  4. Updating and maintaining the Google Drive by organizing all online documents.
  5. Providing support for the development of Company activities.
  6. Working with the Co-Treasurers to establish a budget.
  7. Keeping a record of PAC Pointes.
  8. Updating Company member attendance on the Google Drive.

Section 6: There shall be two Co-Treasurers. The duties of the Co-Treasurers will be:

  1. Creating and maintaining any and all budgets.
  2. Working with the Vice President to establish and manage a budget.
  3. Meeting with the Advisor on a regular basis to review account balances and financial transactions.
  4. Keeping a record of all financial transactions.
  5. Keeping a record of Company dues by creating a Google Document at the beginning of each semester with Active members.
  6. Organizing ticket sales, fundraising, senior gifts, superlative gifts, and apparel.
  7. Overseeing all major purchases and reimbursements.
  8. Acting as the point of contact for photographers.
  9. At least one Co-Treasurer must attend the mandatory finance training session held by the finance committee on an annual basis.
  10. Making necessary purchases for all social Company activities.

Section 7: The duties of the Secretary will be:

  1. Cleaning and organizing the costumes in the closet in Dodd Auditorium.
  2. Dispersing costumes to choreographers and collecting costumes after Small and Big Show.
  3. Coordinating costume closet visits with Dodd staff and choreographers.
  4. Printing and creating necessary forms and documents, not including forms for other officers. These include showing orders, show orders, picture order, etc.
  5. Printing and creating programs for all performances
  6. Creating the master flash drive for shows.
  7. Recording and dispersing meeting minutes with the Vice President.

Section 8: The duties of the Publicity officer will be:

  1. Promoting the Company and encouraging Company members to get involved in advertising.
  2. Working together to make and distribute programs and flyers (approved by SAE).
    1. Having prints made several days prior to the event.
  3. Maintaining all social media and posting advertisements online
  4. Updating and maintaining the Company website.
  5. Gathering photos from Company events to use for social media and advertisements.
  6. Leading all “in-person” advertising (chalking campus walk, passing out flyers, and painting the rock on campus).
  7. Point of contact for cutting music.

Section 9: There shall be one Outreach officer. The duties of the Outreach officer will be:

  1. Encouraging members to be involved in community service projects by organizing groups of members to attend them
  2. Informing members about community service opportunities
  3. Making necessary reservations for all social Company activities.
  4. Planning all social Company activities


Section 1:  All Company officers shall be elected to serve for one year. Elections will be held prior to the end of the Spring semester.

Section 2: Officer elections will consist of the following: Nominations, elections, and runoff elections (if needed)

  1. Nominations – Nominations can be submitted during the week prior to the scheduled date of elections. A Company member wishing to run must nominate themselves. Only members holding a current officer position shall be eligible to run for the presidency and vice presidency of the Performing Arts Company, so long as there are 2 non-graduating officers currently serving. Nominations will only be accepted during the week prior to elections. Candidates cannot run for more than one position. Those running for an officer position must have at least a 2.5 GPA, be in good social standing, and have met all expectations required of an Active Company member (i.e. dues, Pointes, attendance, etc.).
  2. Elections – Elections will consist of each candidate providing a short campaign video. Candidates must explain why they are fit to run for the nomination they accepted. Active members will be allowed to submit an online ballot that opens after showing the campaign videos and closes at 11:59pm on the same day. No other votes will be considered. Members will have the option to object to a candidate running for any position with reasonable cause. Ballots will be tallied by the President and any other graduating officers. Election results will be announced in an email. 
  3. Run-off elections – In the event that there is a tie, a runoff election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. All active members will vote in person for a run-off election.

Section 3: In the event that an officer is judged to be deficient in their duties by 60% of the active membership with agreement by the advisor, they may be removed by the Company’s membership. The Advisor shall oversee the impeachment process.

  1. Prior to holding a leadership position, officers must sign a binding contract. This contract states that the member will uphold all duties required of them in a timely manner. They will uphold member expectations (e.g. pointes, attendance) as well as attend weekly officer meetings. If the contract has been broken the officer will be asked to step down. 


Section 1: The only full-semester committee will be the Understudy Committee.

Section 2: Participation in the committee is voluntary and can be selected on the Audition Form at the beginning of each semester. Dancers can ask to be added to the Understudy Committee following auditions by formally reaching out to the officers in writing.

Section 3: In the event that a member can no longer participate in a piece, the choreographer of said piece will choose a member of the Understudy Committee to take their place.

Section 4: If a member refuses to be added into a piece they will be removed from the Understudy Committee with the exception of special circumstances determined by the officers serving during that semester.


Section 1: The Company officers shall unanimously agree upon and appoint an advisor no later than August 1 to serve a one year term.

Section 2: The Company Advisor must be a UMW faculty member or administrator.

Section 3: The Company Advisor’s duties will be:

  1. Meeting with the Company officers on an as-needed basis.
  2. Attending Company meetings and Company activities as needed.
  3. Staying updated on Company issues and intentions.
  4. Meeting with the Co-Treasurers to review account balances and financial transactions.
  5. Assisting, if necessary, with the implementation of an officer transition program.

Section 4: The Advisor shall be an ex-officio member of the Company, and as such, shall not have voting rights.

Section 5: The Advisor shall have veto power over any decision made by the Company, which is in direct violation of University policy.


Section 1: Meetings will consist of Company wide meetings and rehearsals.

Section 2: A list of meeting and rehearsal dates shall be established by the Company officers and shall be posted on the Performing Arts Company website no later than two weeks after Club Carnival.

Section 3: In the event that an emergency meeting of the Company needs to be held, the President of the Company shall have the authority to call such meetings. All officers must agree in advance to the emergency meeting and at least 24 hours notice must be provided to all active members. Communication of emergency meetings will be the responsibility of the Company Vice President.


Section 1: All disbursements of funds must be approved by the majority of the Company officers. The processing of the disbursements will require the signature of two of the three students listed on the Student Organization Authorized Signer Form on file in SAE.

Section 2: Members should use the current SAE purchasing process to buy anything with Company funds. All expenditures require an original, itemized receipt and a description of the expense incurred.

Section 3: Any expenditure in excess of $100 must be approved by a majority of the Company officers.

Section 4: All financial transactions of the Company will be managed through the University of Mary Washington’s accounting system.

Section 5: Only the authorized signatories listed on the Student Organization Authorized Signer Form shall have the ability to charge expenses to the Company via the University’s account charge system.


Section 1: Amendments may be made to this constitution at any time by a two-thirds vote of the Company officers.

Section 2: Members interested in proposing amendments to the constitution must submit the proposed amendment to the President no later than seven days before the Company’s next officer meeting.

Section 3: The proposed amendment shall be presented via email to the officers no later than five days before the meeting where the amendment will be debated.

Section 4: Upon receiving a two-thirds affirmative vote in favor of a constitutional amendment/revision, the President shall submit the amendment/revision in writing to the President of ICA for review/approval by the ICA Constitution Review Board.


  1. Auditions

Section 1: All non-pointe/tap auditions will be held the first weekend of each semester in the dance studios in Goolrick Hall. Pointe and tap auditions will be held the same weekend at a different time and place. However, they’re not always held due to the lack of pointe and tap choreographers.

Section 2: All those auditioning will fill out the audition sheet and availability schedules in addition to signing the Performing Arts Company Acknowledgement of Expectations document.

Section 3: All those auditioning will take part in the non-pointe/tap auditions no matter their preferred style of dance.

Section 4: Auditions will consist of welcome information, warm-up, one combination with contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop components, across the floor/special tricks, and closing information, in that order. This is subject to change at the officers’ discretion.

Section 5: Those who cannot attend in-person auditions will send in an absentee audition form by 2pm the day of the auditions.

  1. Pointes

Section 1: Eight Pointes will be required of every Performing Arts Company Member in order to be considered Active. These Pointes must be achieved by the end of the semester. If the Pointe requirement changes, as agreed upon by a majority of the Officers, that change will be conveyed to the Company at the beginning of the semester. The Pointe requirement may not change mid-semester.

Section 2: A list of Pointe opportunities will be shared with every Company member at the beginning of each semester. This list is not exhaustive. Additional opportunities will be shared with the Company at least one week in advance of the Pointe Opportunity through email and/or Facebook.

Section 3: The amount of Pointes attributed to a Pointe Opportunity will be determined by a majority vote of the Officers.

Section 4: At least a week prior to Big Show, the Vice President will send an email to every Company Member with their current total of Pointes and upcoming Pointe Opportunities. Company Members may request their current Pointe total at any time via the Company email.

Section 5: Those Members whose Pointe total significantly exceeds the preset expectation by Big Show will be recognized for going above and beyond. The non-Officer Member with the highest Pointe total will be awarded the On Pointe! Superlative. Officer with the highest Pointe total will be awarded the Officer POINTEd out! Superlative. 

Section 6: Those Members who do not meet the expected Pointe total by the end of the semester will be required to complete their remaining Pointes the following semester in addition to the Pointes for that semester. If the Member fails to complete all Pointes after a semester of probation, they will no longer be considered an Active Member.

III. Rules for “Showings”

Section 1: Showings are informal performances to show the progress of the Big Show pieces. There will be 3 per semester. Video Showing, Studio Showing, and Dodd Showing. Dates for these showings will be determined by the President and given out at the beginning of each semester.

  1. Video Showing will consist of videos of each piece’s progress shortly into the semester. Videos will be sent to the current officers for review. Choreographers may ask for feedback from officers.
  2. Studio Showing will occur in the studios. Each piece will be performed in front of the Company to show the progress that has been made. Every member’s attendance is required.
  3. Dodd Showing will occur in Dodd Auditorium. Each piece will be performed on stage in front of the Company to show the final product which shall be a piece with no more than 15 seconds remaining to choreograph. At least one dancer from each piece will wear the costume for the piece. If there is more than one version of the costume, each version needs to be represented. Every member’s attendance is required.
  4. Rules for “Big Show” (End of Semester Concert)

Section 1: Big Show Choreographers

  1. Applicants must fill out and submit a choreography proposal form to the Company officers describing what they intend for their piece (length of the piece, number of performers, music, style, etc.) before the deadline set by the officers.
  2. The applicant must either have been a PAC member (for at least three semesters) or a Professor of Dance at UMW.
  3. The applicant must have choreographed for Small Show before they may choreograph for Big Show.
  4. Members may only choreograph one piece for Big Show, unless there are special circumstances. The officers will designate special circumstances.
  5. In the event of more proposals than can be accommodated, current UMW students have priority over alumni. Other priorities include senior pieces, community pieces, and class year, seniors have top priority.
  6. Following these conditions, Performing Arts Company officers have discretion in selecting pieces based on variety, style, length, available concert time, attendance, and engagement (PAC pointes) in the club.
  7. Performers will be selected by the choreographers based on availability and mastery of movement. Selection of performers for pieces will take place after Auditions during the first Choreographer Circle held at the beginning of the semester and will be posted on the Company website. A choreographer may select no less than 5 dancers and no more than 20 to be in their piece.
  8. Members may choose to be on the understudy list during auditions in case of a need be situation. Members may also formally reach out to officers after auditions to be added to the list if they so choose. 
  9. Choreographers are responsible for scheduling their rehearsal time during Choreographer’s Circle, and it will be posted on the Company website. The order in which choreographer’s pick a studio time will be based on the number of dancers in the piece.
  10. Choreographers are responsible for all production aspects (including tech meetings with the Dodd Theater Manager and lighting designers) and resources. They may seek reimbursement as determined by the costume budget established by the officers.
  11. If choreographers are considering using items from the costume closet, they must visit the closet before submitting their costume proposal.
  12. There will be at least one technical and one dress rehearsal before the concert. Attendance is mandatory. Missing one of these rehearsals in addition to another rehearsal such as lighting or spacing, is grounds for removal from the concert. Missing both technical and dress rehearsal is grounds for removal from the concert. Academic commitments such as class or academic conferences count as excused absences as long as the officers have been informed 2 weeks in advance. Non-academic absences are up to officer discretion. 
  13. If a piece is not ready for performance by the Final Showing of the semester, officers have the option to vote on the removal of the piece from Big Show. Readiness is at the officers’ discretion.
  14. If a piece contains plagiarized choreography, officers must be notified immediately and the PAC dance must be altered. PAC considers plagiarized choreography to include: movements in a sequence that closely resemble another choreographer’s dance, the same music with similar themes and sequence from another choreographer’s dance, multiple movements from another choreographer’s dance. This rule also applies to Small Show choreography.
  15. All music selections for the shows must be edited and contain appropriate language for a safe friend and family environment. If choreographers fail to do so, the officers have the authority to ensure that the choreographer changes the music in order to perform in the show.
  16. Each member is not permitted to be placed in more than 3 pieces during choreographers’ circle following auditions in a given semester.

Section 2: The Rules for Piece Participation:

  1. Members may only be in three Big Show pieces, and understudy one Big Show piece. Senior piece is not included in this.
  2. Choreographers may not perform in their own Big Show pieces unless the piece is graduated from Small Show, or special circumstances arise. The officers will designate special circumstances.
  3. Members may be in up to 3 Small Show pieces, with the exception of seniors in their last undergraduate semester, as their schedules allow and as long as their choreographers are notified, given the implications for Bump-Up selection.
  4. Choreographers may perform in their own Small Show pieces.
  5. The maximum total number of Big Show pieces a dancer may perform in, including Small Show Bump-Ups and excluding Senior Piece, is five. There is only one exception: after Bump-Up selection, if the piece a dancer understudies requires them to be pulled into the piece due to another dancer’s injury or chronic absences, they may perform in six Big Show pieces.
  6. Due to the cap on Big Show pieces, Bump-Up Committee must take under consideration the number of pieces dancers are currently in when making their selection.
  7. Rules for “Small Show” (Mid-Semester Concert)

Section 1: Small Show Choreographers

  1. All members who have been a member of PAC for TWO semesters may choreograph for Small Show. Other UMW dance clubs and classes may be invited to perform by the officers.
  2. Applicants must submit a choreography proposal to the Company officers describing what they intend for their piece (length of the piece, number of performers, music, style, etc.) before the deadline set by the officers.
  3. In the event of more proposals than can be accommodated, current members who have not previously choreographed for PAC have priority. Then seniors, juniors, sophomores who have previously choreographed for PAC (those who do not have an additional submission for Big Show will be considered first) and lastly PAC alumni. 
  4. Performing Arts Company officers have discretion in selecting pieces based on variety, style, length, number of dancers, available concert time, attendance, and engagement (PAC pointes) in the club.
  5. Members are in charge of all productions and resource aspects.
  6. There will be one showing for small show choreographers in the Goolrick dance studios.
  7. Pieces that have more than 30 seconds left unfinished during Small Show Studio Showing will be considered for removal based on officer discretion. 
  8. None of the PAC pieces may exceed a time limit of three minutes.
  9. Members may be in up to 3 small show pieces, unless they are in their last undergraduate semester. In that case, they may be in more than 3 small show pieces.
  10. Small Show choreographers may select costumes from PAC’s costume selection or personally provide their dancers with costumes. PAC will not reimburse Small Show choreographers, and Small Show choreographers may not force their dancers to purchase costumes for the dance.

Section 2: Bump-Up Committee

  1. Pieces from Small Show may be graduated to Big Show at the discretion of the Bump-Up Committee. This committee is composed of PAC members, graduate students, and alumni who did not choreograph for, nor perform in eligible pieces.
  2. Eligible pieces include those choreographed by PAC members or alumni and performed by current PAC members. Current PAC members are those who have met member expectations (Pointes, Attendance, etc.) and are actively participating in Big Show. Special circumstances regarding exceptions are at the discretion of the officers. Three pieces may be graduated from Small Show.
  3. Pieces with less than 4 dancers will not be eligible to be bumped up into Big Show.
  4. The Bump-Up Committee will be led by 2 PAC officers. They will all meet at a previously determined location (usually the HCC or UC) directly after Small Show to re-watch dances and give feedback on eligible dances for our Big Show. Dances that the bump-up committee thinks will make the best addition to our big show will be selected and members will be notified following the selection process.

Attendance Policy

  1. Officers are required to attend all Company meetings, which will be held as needed, determined by the current officers.
  2. Officers will also hold weekly meetings, separate from the Company meetings.
  3. All members are expected to be at their respective rehearsals, showings, and performances.
  4. Choreographers will determine what constitutes an unexcused absence.
  5. Excessive unexcused absences will result in removal from a piece. After three absences, performers will be removed entirely from a piece at the choreographer’s discretion. Choreographers may not be allowed to accumulate any unexcused absences.
  6. All choreography missed by an absence at rehearsal must be made up as soon as possible by the performer.

Current Officers’ Signatures at the Time of the Amendments: 

Sunday, March 17th, 2024 

Madeline Brunt, President

Emma Sanford, Vice President

Mollie Moomaw, Secretary

Gabby Lyon, Co-Treasurer

Kerrin Bulpett, Co-Treasurer

Natalie Baca, Publicity

Hailey Cooke, Outreach

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